Importing a capture page or any page on Leadsleap is extremely easy and quite frankly does not require any special skills.
If you know how to copy and paste then you can easily import a capture page into Leadsleap.
So here is how you do it.
Inside Leadsleap on the menu on the left hand side:
Scroll down to the third yellow heading called Tools
Then you need to scroll down slightly to Page Builder
Then you need to click on Page Manager
Once there click on Add a new page campaign.
Let’s create a new capture page. On the new page below, call it Income Explosion Capture Page.
Now click on the Add Now button. Then you will be presented with a new page.
You will notice that on top left you now have an affiliate link for the new page you are creating.
Now you need to click on Add a new page design to start.
Then you will be taken to this box.
Now don’t worry, you do not need to create a page from scratch.
Instead we are importing a capture page.
So in the second box (as above), you will enter the following share code:
I am using this page to promote Great Life.
Once you have done that, you will hit the Import Now button.
Your new page will then appear: congratulations you have just built your capture page but you are not quite done yet.
If the status is shown as inactive then you will have to click on it to change the status to active.
This capture page has an affiliate link embedded in it already. You need to change it to yours.
So to remove my link and replace it with yours is very easy. You simply click on launch editor and a new page opens up.
In the middle of the page you will see your capture page and you can edit it.
So to find my affiliate link on this page, scroll down to and click on it: Click Here To Join Brand New Worldwide Opportunity
You will notice the following on your right hand side.
Under Button Action in the Go To box you would remove my Great Life affiliate link and replace it with yours.
Then top right hand corner you will hit the Save button. Your capture page is ready.
This was a slightly more complicated capture page.
The simplest type of capture page does not usually contain an affiliate link.
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