My Internet Marketing Journey

First off, I am not an internet marketing guru. I am just a normal guy who has been part of the internet marketing scene for a while.

I discovered Internet Marketing some 20 years ago.

I became obsessed with Internet Marketing when I found out that it was possible to earn money from the comfort of my home.

Back then as a young dad, I felt that it could be a great way to supplement my income.

But boy was it a hard slog!

Sure I started making the odd sale here or there but nothing to write home about.

Oh and I lost money in the process too.

The truth is I am not alone: 

95% of people who start out in Internet Marketing sadly fail..

Imagine that: only 5% actually make all the money!

After years of struggling but refusing to give up, the penny started dropping on where I was going wrong and how to fix the problem. 

One of the things I have had to learn the hard way is this: you need a coach or mentor who has experienced the kind of success you are looking for.

If you have experienced years of failure and gave up on Internet Marketing altogether or if you are new to Internet Marketing then this blog is definitely for you.

I want to teach you a simple way to start making money online.

In fact, we can get started straight away right from this blog post. 

Now there are three accounts you’ll need for that.

The first site you will need is AdsbyUAP. Don’t worry this one is free to join.

The second site in the plan will enable you to publish your own blog just as I have done. Click here to join the recommended site.

It may take a few months before your affiliate earnings cover this cost, but if you work with me I will do everything I can to get you earning as soon as possible. If you can’t afford to pay $10 a month at the moment I suggest you follow my free site plan above until you can afford to pay for it.

The third account you will need for this plan is also free to join. This one will be used to teach you about list building and email marketing.

Click here to register for free






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